I’m truly thankful for my background as an elementary school teacher! Many of the skills I used in the classroom (organization, patience, creativity, etc) carry over into the wedding planning industry! This includes what I like to call Wedding Word Etiquette.
Today I’d like to shed a bit of light on the difference between altar and alter. Although these homophones sound the same, they have different meanings and spellings. Please note the following:
AltAr: a place/table in the church where gifts and sacrifices are offered up to God
AltEr: change or cause to change in character or composition
In the wedding world, the altAr is the place where the bride and groom exchange vows and get married. Here’s a peek at Olamide and Okem at the altar during their wedding ceremony at Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas!
(Photo: Tru Identity Designs)
The word altEr could refer to a menu change or change in wedding plans.
Congrats! You made it through today’s grammar lesson! Stay tuned! I’ll be back with more Wedding Word Etiquette!
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